Monday, April 20, 2009

Congratulations to Mark and Marie!

Caden is going to be a big brother!  It looks like the new addition is arriving in October or the little tikes will be roughly 15 months apart!!

I am very excited for my wonderful brother and sister-in-law.  I couldn't be more proud of both of you, and can't wait to meet new baby Francis!

Friday, April 17, 2009

By-passing the semester...

Mom and I at Tsunami, Downtown Chas.
My "Tea Party" sign...(one of 'em)
US Custom's House, Downtown Chas.
Magnolia Plantation - the gardens were breathtaking.
Teri and I at J.Paulz a few Wednesday's ago.

So, I've pretty much by-passed the entire semester as far as "blogging" is concerned.  I did have a small disclaimer in my very first post indicating my struggles with consistent blogging, etc.  It proved to be true, but I'm back in business...for the moment anyhow.

Lots has happened since my last post, which was the announcement of Scot and Amanda's new arrival, Payton Grace.  I finally met Payton last weekend for the first time, and she is awesome!  She still has a full head of hair, but now it's curly!  Madison and Isabella are great with her.  Fantastic big sisters.  I had a wonderful Easter weekend at Dad and Clarice's house in Columbia last weekend, and got to spend some much needed quality time with the girls.  I was sad to see them go, and I miss them already.  I also got to play with Elle a bit, though she wasn't feeling very well, just getting over a nasty bug that took a real toll on her!  

Wednesday was the dreadful, painful, angering "tax day."  I had gone the TurboTax route in advance and completed all taxes for the 3 different states I had resided in during 2008, along with federal.  They burned a hole through my wallet, no doubt.  I'm still recovering....and will be for a while!  More importantly, however, tax day served as an opportunity for American citizens otherwise unimpressed with the performance of the late Bush administration and certainly the Obama administration, along with our inept Congress.  Thus, "tea parties" were held throughout the nation in protest of obnoxious spending, bloated government, and other issues that became more personalized depending on who you talk to!  (If you haven't heard about the Tea Party movement, like Barack Obama claims he was unaware of, you might be living under a rock.  I suggest you come out now.)  At any rate, I would be a total hypocrite if I didn't go to a Tea Party, since I am quite (and perhaps "too") vocal on the issue of politics and policy.  I joined in on the crowd of around 6,000 as a total head count throughout the event, and enjoyed reading other people's signs and talking about all the individual concerns we had and likely shared.  I know there will be more of these, and I know I'll go to others!  I've included a few pictures from the Tea Party here in Charleston, SC...enjoy!

Michelle - what's next on the agenda, you ask?  Well, since my loved ones have no problem letting me know how much I've moved lately, and that I'm moving again (as if I haven't noticed...), I'll give you the basic run-down.  It looks as though I'll be moved and hopefully settled into Baltimore by the weekend of May 16th, which also happens to be my 24th birthday.  For all who constantly ask how I am still single, I have no answer for you (but thanks for noticing, I think...).  All I know is  I have one more year of "prime" before my chromosomes and metabolism start exponentially working against me, and one more year until my car insurance goes down...YES!

I am very excited about the program....a re-cap, it's an Accelerated Bachelor's of Science in Nursing (ABSN) from Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing....JHUSONABSN, respectively!  The program starts June 1 and ends in mid July of 2010 before I start working again, largely for Uncle Sam, interest on deficit spending, and the non-working.  (I'm not bitter, I promise!)

At any rate, this will be a tremendous learning experience that I am very excited for, despite the weird sense of pseudo-support that's been shown.  I am often asked where I'll be after the program winds up in Baltimore, and I honestly have no answer.  It depends entirely on the job market, life circumstance, and whether or not North Korea has knocked out our electrical grid.  (Kidding.)

As for the present moment, Starbucks has slithered its way into my wallet and stole another few dollars, so I write this from the serene location at the corner of East Bay and Calhoun, surrounded by decadent coffee aromas, and a full belly from the scrumptious brownie I recently devoured.  Lent is over, what can I say??

Lots and lots of studying to do the next week or so - wish me luck.  I hope I can maintain the academic stamina to hang on to my A's.  What on earth am I doing with A's in the sciences, anyhow??  Beats me...

So there's a briefing, and enjoy a few pictures added as well.  I'll try and stop back in for another update sooner than the last time.  *Crossing fingers*

Have an awesome day.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The latest Brewer baby!

Payton Grace Brewer 1-14-09
Big sister Madison and baby Payton
The Brewer's:  Scot, Amanda, Maddie (right), Izzy (left), and baby Payton
Busy Izzy lovin' on baby Payton
Proud big sister, Madison holds 10 lb 8 oz Payton!

I found the great pictures Amanda was so gracious to send out to everyone.  Payton came a little less than a week before her due date and was still 10 lbs 8 oz!  Look at all of her dark, dark hair.  So pretty!  The big sisters are being great helpers, welcoming their newest family member home.  :)  Congrats Scot and Amanda on another precious, beautiful little girl.  I absolutely can not wait to meet her.

Fast Forward!

Hey!  So it's been a while, eh?  Life's been busy since ringing in '09 Charleston-style.  Classes are now in full-swing, which is keeping me plenty busy.  My schedule is pretty intense with 20 credit hours, including...

Micro Lab
Anatomy/Physiology II
Anat/Phys Lab
World Religions

You are likely curious as to why I am taking such a strange assortment of classes, but it's all for good reason.  A few of these classes are specific to St. Louis U, UNC Chapel Hill, MUSC, and Johns-Hopkins, all of which are schools I've applied to for the accelerated BSN program.  Applications are all finally out the comes the waiting game.  However, recently I found out that UNC lost $48 worth of transcripts - ridiculous - I was very deliberate in making sure I had the correct address, but no surprise.  This is clearly a common problem, so as frustrating as it is, I've had to round up a few more transcripts, and thankfully I had a few on reserve as extras.  I cannot tell you how time-consuming and tedious the entire process has been.  Crimeny!

The weather has been a bit chilly here for South Carolina standards, but fortunately no where near the conditions at home.  In fact, late last week there were "flurries" falling from the sky...So miniscule for any northerner to consider them actual flurries or "snow," but the locals were intruiged and excited nonetheless. 

This week kicks off the beginning of continuous assignments, tests, and quizzes from now until May.  Each of these classes require a good bit of time and lots of assignments are incorporated into each of the grades, thus making for lots of work outside class.  Must stay on my A-game and trudge through this last semester...Almost done!  The hard part is the fact that I've made some fantastic friends, and it's getting very close to a very fun time of year here in Charleston.  Saying "no" to social engagements is going to be a challenge!!

A special congrats to Scot and Amanda for welcoming their 3rd baby girl on January 14th!  Mom, Dad, baby, and big sisters are all doing wonderful.  I can NOT wait to meet baby Payton.  :)

So, here's to a brief update.  More to come again soon, and perhaps even some pictures!  Until next time....

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Folly Beach Jan. 2, 2009

Folly Beach Jan. 2, 2009
Getting tangled up in the leashes!
Wendy and Carly had a BLAST!
Relaxing for a moment.
Water was kind of chilly, but it didn't stop kids from running in and out of the water!
Playing "chase"
Folly Beach with Hayden and the girls
Look at pretty Wendy!
"Do you...."

Lots of fun pictures here of Wendy, Carly, and "mom."  Hayden came to visit over the holiday break and kind of on a whim took the girls to Folly Beach.  It wasn't the warmest day to have taken them, but still extremely tolerable.  The dogs had a blast and sand was embedded into their coats for the next day and a half.  Fortunately we got them good and tuckered out for the rest of the day!  There is still an impressive amount of sand in my car, which will be standard procedure come spring and summertime.  Can't wait!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas eve

Driving to Creekside - downtown Versailles, Ohio on Christmas eve
Vacant streets of Vtown, my old stomping grounds!
Mark, Marie and Caden at mom's Christmas eve
The little boo opening his gift!
What a cutie!!
Love this picture.  Look at his grin!!!
Getting sleepy....  :)

Christmas eve.  What an awesome night.  
First, I slept all day because of that crazy trip home, then got ready for the extended Francis gathering at the Vet's Hall in Russia, Ohio.  Everyone arrived around 3:30 and we did the usual drinking, eating, shouting, talking, etc. until dinner time.  Then the little ones opened their gifts and showed off their new toys from Santa.  I had a wonderful time talking to Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and Grandpa.  It's always so exciting to see how much the little ones have changed from the last family gathering, and to find out who is expecting!  We are an ever-growing family!

After the celebration wound down and we cleaned up our mess, Mark, Eric, and I went to mom's to celebrate our small family Christmas together.  It was great to hang at mom's and relax for a while, and we played a few games with the help of the super-gamers, Mark and Marie.  Caden was a hit, as always, being such a good baby and making everyone smile.  He loved staring at the Christmas tree and the bright colors on the wrapping paper, and also at any one of Mark's funny faces he made.  We spent some awesome, low-key quality time together that night which was wonderful and unfortunately a bit rare.  

After Mark, Marie and the baby left, Eric hit the road too, and I stayed at mom's for a few more days.  I ended up going to Creekdump (Creekside Bar and Grill in Versailles, OH) on a whim around midnight and caught up with lots of friends from home.  After the bar closed down a few hours later, several of us went to Roush's and extended the festivities well into the morning.  A fantastic time!!

Christmas day was spent lounging with mom through the morning, then we went to Grandma Schmidt's for a few hours for dinner.  Finally some quality time with my aunts and uncles on her side of the family!  I had missed the big Schmidt gathering because I was still taking final exams here in Charleston, so it was nice to catch up with a few of the aunts and uncles that could swing by.  I was able to wrap up Christmas Day night with fellow Vtowners too, which was great fun, as always.

More pictures from the 4-hour park on interstate 75.

Carly sleeping in a clothes basket
Watching a DVD before my laptop died, and Wendy standing guard, watching everyone congregate and smoke in the middle of interstate
Another of my little lamb-like alien-dog